Sunday, August 3, 2008

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Today, man knows the price of everything
but the value of nothing.

- Oscar Wilde

today it seems as though people are trying to achieve nothing.

to achieve creating needs for themselves that arent in fact, needed.

to achieve lack of content, lack of reasoning, lack of thought, lack of feeling.

to achieve forgetting what their true values and emotions are.were. and remplacing them with nothingness.

to achieve collecting people in their lives without creating meaningful relationships with them.

to achieve emptiness, blandness.

to achieve uniqueness, to try to stand out yet only making themselves more alike.

this is today.

what i want for today is

to hold on and to always remember my personal values and beliefs.

to keep being someone you can count on.

to keep achieving the goals i set for myself. for the right reasons.

to have spontaneous encounters.

to have relationships with people, not technology.

to enjoy today, learn from yesterday and live for tomorrow.

What we are today
comes from our thoughts of yesterday,
and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.
Our life is our creation of our mind.

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